This last month has been a very frustrating one, but hopefully things will change dramatically in the month ahead! Not too much to report in this blog but here’s a quick update.
As I mentioned in a previous blog a local company has said they will re tarmac the car park for us (which is an unbelievable help) but obviously can’t do anything until the lease is officially sorted - which it still isn’t! I have had some positive news on that this week though so hopefully the lease will be sorted in the next couple of weeks and we can get this work carried out, it will make the ground much safer, usable and look so much better! Not only that getting the lease will be a massive milestone for us and it will be a welcomed relief! It’s taken a lot of hard work to get us to this point and this will be a new beginning for us, officially having our own home for the first time ever!! I also mentioned in a previous post about a ‘Family Fun Day’ to be held at the ground, we have had to ask for permission from the council to host this event. It’s been over 3 weeks since we asked for this and still don’t know if it can go ahead or not?! With the event only 3 weeks away and lots to sort out we’re getting pretty nervous. Again this is something we are hoping to have positive news on soon as we want to sort everything, advertise it and make it a successful and fun day for everyone. As well as it being a fundraiser for the works needed at the ground, it’s also the 25th year of Treharris kids football so we want to celebrate it!
In other news we have had some promising news from another local company who have said they will upgrade our access track free of charge! We are hoping to get this done before the fun day, and are so grateful! The works will involve stripping the existing track, laying 30 tonne of stone and rolling it.
We are also still waiting on delivery of our sit on mower to maintain the ground ourselves, we were told this would take 4 weeks from point of order and I think we’re on week 10 now! I asked for a budget figure from the council for us to get the pitch back to a playable standard for the kids thinking it would be a few thousand £. The figure I got given was £18-£20k! So Christmas is cancelled for the next few years! We have a lot of fundraising to do, that’s just for pitch, will also need another £20k for changing rooms! One thing at a time….
On a more positive note I cleared all the ‘camouflage’ off the remaining rusty fence today as we hope to get this upgraded in the next couple of weeks and I also put a sign up on the new gate just to start to make it a bit more homely. I am now that sad that I actually got quite excited putting that up, what’s happened to my life!
Anyway thats whats happened this month, along with loads of grant funding applications!
Plenty to do in the next few weeks getting us ready for the Fun Day and hopefully we will also have the lease sorted, get our mower, get a new access track and a new fence?! And permission!!
Thanks for reading!