6 weekends left until the changing rooms arrive!! We were busy over the weekend so this is just a quick update to document it!
Testing and setting out:-
I mentioned in the last blog that we needed to get plate load tests done on the existing tarmac so we can determine what foundations are required for the changing rooms. These tests basically measure how much the ground moves with weight on it (if at all).
In order to get the test carried out we needed a few things - a company to do the tests, an 8tonne machine, and someone to drive it!! I managed to book Southern Testing to carry out the test and with help from Johnny Williams (Willmor Groundworks & Construction) we got a machine delivered on Friday. Thank you to Andy O'Sullivan who agreed to drive the machine for us for the day!👍🏻
They all turned up on Friday to carry out the testing work for us.
The ground testing work getting carried out Sept 2022
We had a couple of tests carried out in the area of the changing rooms and they showed there's less than 1mm of movement with the proposed changing room weight on it! Beaming!! 😀 This means that we don't need to excavate and pour concrete foundations as concrete slabs can be bedded onto the tarmac instead!🥳 This will save on time and more importantly, costs!
In order to know where to test we had to have the exact footprint set out. I wouldn't want to mess any of that up so we got a professional in! Callum McGrath from Randalls Groundworks kindly did this for us, legend!👌🏼
Setting out the changing rooms Sept 2022
He also set out where each slab needs to be installed to drop the changing rooms onto. That is the next job!
Digging trenches:-
While we had the machine there we thought we may as well make use of it. We did a bit of forward planning and thought it would be a good idea to get the drainage/service trenches dug out ready. Tuesday night Scooby was on the mini digger doing some of the tricky, tight excavations and Wednesday night I was there disc cutting the tarmac ready for the trench excavations.
Scooby on the mini digger and cutting the tarmac
After doing the testing work on Friday Andy stayed for the day and excavated the trenches for us. He did a brilliant job, the hardest part seemed to be starting the machine!😂 He's a brilliant driver and we are very grateful for his help, but it turns out he's not very good at remembering and inputting a 4 digit code!🙊 Thank you Andy!💙⚽️
Drainage and service trenches excavated
On Monday it was Scoobys turn to drive the machine. Turns out he's good at both starting and driving the thing!🙊
We dropped a load of ducting in the trenches so that we could backfill them while we still had the machine. Well and truly made the most of it! 👌🏼
Trenches backfilled
Pitch update:-
The pitch has had another trim and is looking so much better! Another couple of hand cuts and a feed and then it will be handed over to us the end of this month! 👌🏼😀
The pitch taking shape mid September 2022
There's been a few people at the ground helping this weekend and one thing that every one of them said was how good the pitch is looking and how stunning the views are! They're bloody right too! 😍⚽️💙
Comic Relief Grant:-
We are thrilled to announce that we secured a grant from the Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales of £10,000 which we have now received! This money is for us to kit out the changing rooms with benches, clothes hangers, white boards and training equipment for all teams to use.
We are extremely grateful for this grant and it will help us complete this phase of our project!

Next steps:-
We still have a fair bit to do, next steps will be to install the services and foundation slabs.
We will be back with an update soon!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all local residents for their patience and support while we are carrying out the works. There's been a bit of noise from the machinery over the weekend and there will likely be some more noise and disruption over the coming weeks while things are being installed. We're nearly there now, thank you!
Thanks for reading! KJ ⚽️💙
Well done all, all the hard work will pay off soon Thank you